Still places for Term 4 at the Fremantle Arts Centre
Term 4 starts next week 19th October to the 18th December;
so if you want to start the silly season with an air of peace and calm why not carve out a little space for yourself by doing an art class at the Fremantle Arts Centre.
There is still room for you in Etching Tuesday Mornings 9:30 – 12:30 or Saturday Mornings 10am – 1pm. In this class you learn how to etch copper with non toxic ferric chloride, working on a small scale, this method gives beautiful fine detail, and you can print multiples from you plate – give some away as Christmas presents. ($223 or $201 members)
Drypoint Wednesday Morning 9:30 -12:30, this is a great class for beginners, a great intro to printmaking, scratch a drawing into plastic and print – its that easy, and the plastic is see through so you can pop your drawing underneath and trace ($277 or $249 members)
Studio Print Wednesday afternoon 1:30 – 4:30 this is the class for those with some printmaking experience who would like to work on their own project, have the use of the FAC facilities and meet like minded people. Get some help if you have technical difficulties and enjoy the making environment. ($277 or $249 members)
Enrol online here or phone the Freo Arts Centre on 9432 9555 Enrol Now to avoid disappointment.