Enrol Now at the Fremantle Arts Centre – or risk missing out
I’ve put this blog up to alert people to the fact that Fremantle Arts Centre Enrolments are a week earlier this term. The art centre term 2 is starting next week on Monday the 6th of May – same as the school term so many people who are used to enrolling after they have got the kids back to school may miss out. Click on the Link for more information.
There are still places in;-
Linocut Artist Book starting Monday 6th May 9:30am (8 weeks)
Copper Etching starting Monday 6th May 12:30am (8 weeks)
Learn to Draw Wednesday 8th May 9:30am (4 weeks)
Drypoint Printing Wednesday 8th May 12:30am (8 weeks)
Linocut Tuesday Evenings 7th May 6:30pm (6 weeks)
We will be in the new printmaking studio! more space with our own balcony 🙂 Classes are relaxed and friendly, learn new skills, do something for yourself, make new friends. I’d love to see you there.
Enrol now be quick or miss out. Phone Fremantle Arts Centre: 9432 9555