Why go to Bali to Make Linocuts?
Yesterday a friend asked me, why go to Bali to make linocuts?
I had the idea to run a Linocut Retreat in Bali a couple of years ago after a family holiday. I think there is something to be said for making art away from home. Once you are away from all the distractions of daily living you have time to really immerse yourself. I find I think about things in a different way, get some perspective. When you do a class once a week you allow yourself that time to learn and make. When you have a week of just linocut there is no time wasted in stop and start you can just live in it, which is something that I crave.
Yes but why Bali?
It didn’t have to be Bali I could have chosen many places and perhaps in the future
I will choose some other places. But I do love Bali especially Ubud, sometimes a place just resonates with you and you want to go back there. The scenery and the tropical landscape are so much more lush and green than Western Australia, (which has its own charm, mind you) but when you are there you really feel like you are a world away.
Then there are the practical considerations like the fact it is only a 4 hour flight from Perth, eating out is relatively inexpensive and of course Ubud is full of art and culture.
So whether you are new to linocut, or a printmaker with your own ideas of what type of project you would like to explore, this workshop will be the perfect escape. For more info cost and itinerary go to http://ubudartworkshops.com/