Holidays and Art
I just got back from 11 days in Bali with my family (Bali island Indonesia). It has been years since we have had a family holiday and it was the first time my kids have been in a plane.
I didn’t draw much while I was away, even though I brought a sketch book. Mostly I wrote in it. Also took photos and enjoyed the time be with my own thoughts, and enjoyed a new culture.
The value of a holiday to my art practise is basically the same as the value of holidays in general.
- It gives you perspective on your life.
- It makes you realise what is important to you
- It give appreciation for things you otherwise take for granted.
My art is very much a personal journey, and the interesting thing to me is that common thread of humanity that runs through likeminded people whatever there geographical location or culture. In Ubud I talked to a Balanese man who was working at the hotel about his life in the villiage and his family. He was also an artist but thought of it more as a hobby and was content to do so. He worked an early shift in the hotel to have time to paint in the afternoon. He liked the villiage lifestyle, the homegrown food, and the quiet pace of life.
Every where people are doing their best, wanting the best for their kids, whatever the cultural and finacial differences. Also for many people an overseas holiday is out of reach, and I really appreciated this opportunity.
I came back feeling very centered and relaxed, I have an unfinshed painting on the easel, I want to keep this feeling present, but am not sure how.
I am not interested in images of Bali’s architecture or palm trees, as always it is the interior landscape I am concerned with. How to paint stillness.