One door closes and another opens….
Its a cliche but that doesn’t stop it feeling good when it happens!
In the wake of having an exhibition cancelled I have been commisioned to do a series of 6 wine lables for a new wine to be out in 2012. They will be called Journey Wines and the artwork will be a series of linocuts documenting the journey of winemaker Damian North (Jack Russell Wine Company).
Small business often has the freedom to be more flexible and creative than larger businesses and I think its great that Damian has chosen to have original art for his lable, well of course I would 🙂 But I am feeling excited about this project, so I’ll keep you posted about how it goes, haven’t even started the drawings yet but that will be the first stage.
Early days……. you can see more of my lino cuts by clicking on one of the images or see and buy my limited edition prints on my online etsy shop.
And the door closing followed by this one opening is, of course, part of the Journey! What a wonderful opportunity! Congratulations!
hi shana, that’s great about the wine labels!!! look forward to seeing them and buying the wine
Thats excellent Shana! I will be bragging that I know the person who created the designs when I see them… and down a glass or three of the bottle!
Thanks for your encouragement. I’ve started the drawings now for the first three images.