Understanding Alice Linocuts Purchased by Monash University
Recently I have been printing up more of my Understanding Alice Edition for Monash University who requested a full set (17 Linocuts see them here https://shanajames.com/understanding-alice-images-2/) and two artists, books for their rare book collection one of these is a one-off book where the images are original mixed media drawings and the other is a linocut book editioned to only 3 (both shown here).
If you have been to my website you will know the book as the making of it is on the banner of the homepage. I am very glad to be part of the Monash University Rare Books collection.
Here is a video showing the Printing of the Understanding Alice Linocuts you can see the individual images on the website they are $220 unframed each, shipping is free if you buy more than one. https://shanajames.com/understanding-alice-images-2/