Down the Rabbit Hole – Spectrum Project Space Exhibition and Residency
This will be my 10th solo exhibition, it’s a nice round number on which to finish my Masters by Research study.

This exhibition marks the culmination of this study, the exegesis is finished (for those non-academics the exegesis is the writing, it’s a thesis that accompanies a creative work. However, although I’ve finished the writing and handed it in, it won’t be marked until the exhibition is up, so the two integrated aspects can be marked together.
Today was the first day of my residency at Edith Cowan University – Mt Lawley. I stitched the top of the 5 drawings on fabric to create a hanging system. Can you believe that took 5 hours? (I tend to overestimate my speed at doing things, there was a lot of measuring and hand sewing.) The fabric is transparent so I’m hoping that when they are hanging you will be able to see one image through the next. I say hoping because I’m not sure how transparent they will be. I may have to rethink the placement. This is the luxury of the artist in residency, giving me time for play and placement. I am still working on the etchings in my home studio, as I work with the installation aspects of the exhibition directly in the gallery. I am incredibly grateful to have this space towards the end of my Masters by Research study.
Please subscribe to get an email about further blogs describing each stage of the residency.
By the way, if you would like to be there – at the exhibition opening, it’s on the 11th of February 2021, here is the Facebook link to the invitation
Love to see you 🙂
Spectrum Project Space, ECU MT Lawley, 2 Bradford St Mount Lawley. Gallery is open Tuesday – Friday 10am – 4pm exhibition from 12th – 25th February 2021.